Cafferata-Ainsworth, Melissa (Executive Assistant, President & Board of Trustees)
California Community Colleges Technology Center (CCCTC)
California Corporate College, CA CC
Calip, Vincent (Business Computer Information Systems)
Calkins, Matthew (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Camodeca, Michael (General Business Instructor)
Campbell, Donald (Photography Instructor)
Campos, Alonzo (Ethnic Studies Instructor)
Campus Information
Campus Tours
Canadas, Zachary (Industrial Technology Programs Equipment Mechanic II)
Cancilla, Nicole (Program Assistant)
Candelaria, Kelly (Learning Resource Specialist)
Candiff, Jamie (Account Clerk Senior)
Cannon, Beth (Mathematics Instructor)
Cantrell, Heidi (Child Development and Family Relation)
Cantwell, Gary (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Cardenas, Alma (Children's Program Specialist Assistant)
Cardinet, Matthew (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Cardinet, Matthew (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Cardy, John (Children's Program Specialist Assisstant)
(CLP) Career Life Planning
Career Services
(CSL) Career Services Library
Carlile, Amanda (Nursing - R.N. A.D.N Instructor)
Carlisle, Andrei (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Carlson, Casey (Chief of Police)
Carlson, Devon (Youth Justice Coordinator)
Carlson, James (Supervisor Transportation)
Carr, David (Laboratory Technician Senior-Chemical Hygiene Officer)
Carrasco, Teresa (Ethnic Studies Instructor)
Carrero, Christopher (Student Success Specialist)
Carrillo, Elisa (Instructional Technology Specialist)
Carroll, Dillon (History Instructor)
Carter, Corrine (Human Resources Benefits Analyst)
Carter, Daniel (Radio/TV/Film Instructor)
Caruso, Michael (Product Manager-CCC Technology Center)
Caryl, Beth Ann (Fashion Instructor)
CASA - Center for Access, Success and Achievement
Catalog / Schedule
Cavaness, Linda (Nursing - Certified Nursing Assistan)
Celis, Daniel (Retention Specialist)
Center for Academic Success (CAS) Chico Center
Center for Academic Success (CAS) Glenn County Center
Center for Academic Success (CAS) Main Campus
Cervantes, Matt (Computer Science Instructor)
Cha, Eve (Administrative Secretary II)
Chagoya, Sandoval (Director, Public Relations & Marketing-CCCTC)
Chamness, Justin (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Chang, Diamie (Account Clerk Senior)
Chang, Mai (Administrative Secretary III)
Charles, Allen (College Police Officer)
Charles-Tollerup, Jennifer (Agricultural Science Instructor)
Chase, Shelby (General Business Instructor)
Chavez, Blake (College Police Officer)
Chavez, Hilda (Instructional Aide)
Chavez, Maria (Children's Program Specialist Assisstant)
Chavez, Mark (Physical Education-Activity Instructo)
Cheatham, James (Technical Computing Specialist II)
(CHEM) Chemistry
Chico Center (CHC)
Chico High School
(CDF) Child Development
Child Development Center
Chin, Fiona (Art Academic Instructor)
(CSL) Chinese
Chofla, Shaun-Adrian (Child Development and Family Relation)
Christensen, Patrick (Accounting Instructor)
Christiansen, Lisa (General Business Instructor)
Christopher, Madeline (Environmental Horticulture Instructor)
Chumley, Talitha (American Sign Language Instructor)
Civil Engineering
Claiborne, Shannon (Nursing - R.N. A.D.N Instructor)
Clain, Kimberly (Child Development and Family Relation)
Clark, Miya (Learning Resource Specialist)
Classified Senate
Cleary, Francis (Physical Education-Activity Instructo)
Cluver, Ted (Mathematics Instructor)
Cohen, Mark (Product Manager-CCC Technology Center)
Cole-Barrett, Jolie (Administrative Secretary-Non Instructional)
Coleman, Courtney (Public Relations & Marketing Specialist)
Coleman, Jennifer (Executive Director, CA Community Colleges Technology Center)
College Connection-Lead Advisor-Liaison Office
College Connection-Main Office
College Police
Collett, Dayna (Administrative Secretary III)
Collett, Krista (Library Media Technician)
Collins, Susan (Foods and Nutrtion Instructor)
(CMST) Communication Studies (Speech)
(CSCI) Computer Science
Conlan, Lance (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Connolly, Brian (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Conrad, Douglas (Automotive Technology Instructor)
Consiglio, Michael (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
(CNST) Construction
Contract Education
Contracts-Risk Management
Cook, Alan (Psychology Instructor)
Cooke, Bradley (Physical Education-Activity Instructo)
Cooper, Andrew (Law Enforcement Academy Instructor)
Cooper, Jeffrey (Music - Appreciation/Theory Instructo)
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)
Cordeiro, Maximilian (Program Coordinator-Domestic Student Recruitment, O & O)
Corona Alcazar, Jasmine (English Instructor)
Correa, Steven (Computer Science Instructor)
Correa-Wilson, Joshua (Physical Education-Activity Instructo)
Cortez, Elizabeth (Administrative Secretary III Substitute)
(COS) Cosmetology & Barbering Center
Counseling and Advising Office
Counseling and Advising Office
Cowell, Aman (Music - Appreciation/Theory Instructo)
Cowell, Jean (Child Development and Family Relation)
Cox, Thomas (Chemistry Instructor)
Craig, Christine (Foods and Nutrtion Instructor)
Crosby, Kasey (Support Engineer - CCCTC)
Crosby, Nandi (Sociology Instructor)
Cross Country
Cross, Jessica (Art Academic Instructor)
Crow, Brandy (Bus Operator)
CTE Transitions
Cuadros-Ayala, Silvia (Support Center Representative-Student Services B/B)
Culley, Emmett (Senior Software Engineer-CCC Technology Center)
Cultural and Community Center
Cuneo, Kira (Emergency Medical Services Instructor)
Cunningham, Katrina (Support Center Representative-Student Services)
Curry, Kristin (Administrative Secretary II)
Curry, Michael (Physical Education-Activity Instructo)
Main Campus General Information: | 530-895-2511 |
Chico Center General Information: | 530-895-1352 |
Glenn County Center: | 530-895-2429 |
Student Technical Support: | 530-895-2925 |
User Support Services: | 530-895-2888 |
College Police: | 530-895-2351 |
Note: ![]() |
Main Campus 3536 Butte Campus Drive Oroville CA 95965 | |
Chico Center 2320 Forest Avenue Chico, California 95928 | |
Glenn County Center 1366 Cortina Drive Orland, California 95963 | |
Skyway Center 2480 Notre Dame Blvd Chico California 95928 |